A Chemical-Free
Cleaning Revolution

Best friends Charlotte Figg and Purdy Rubin have joined forces to take toxic chemicals and single use plastics out of cleaning routines, for good.

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Purdy & Figg's Ultimate Moth Prevention Guide

by on February 24, 2023 15:40

For many of us, spring is a season welcomed with open arms. The promise of new beginnings, coupled with blue skies and serotonin-boosting sunshine to boost our moods. However, the warmer days also bring new challenges: Clothes Moths! These pesky creatures can cause some hefty damage if left untreated (and your favourite cashmere jumper will be first on their agenda!) 

To give you a helping hand, we're launching a Patchouli & Cedarwood Anti-Moth Counter Clean as part of our Spring Collection on 11th March. This fresh and invigorating scent has been carefully crafted to help you protect your wardrobe this spring! 


Patchouli & Cedarwood Anti-Moth Counter Clean: 

Earthy Cedarwood is combined with wafts of woody-citrus MayChang and Patchouli, followed by floral Palmarosa and sweet-balsamic Amyris in Purdy & Figg's limited edition Counter Clean blend. These moth-repellent oils star alongside natural insecticide Neem for moth-free wardrobes!


    Purdy & Charlotte's Moth Prevention Guide

    Prevention is Key 

    When dealing with clothes moths, the earlier you start the better! Spring is the optimum time when moths begin laying their eggs, so keeping on top of the household chores (even during the winter months) will deter them from taking a fancy to your home as a potential breeding ground. 


    Dust & Vacuum 

    A dusty, dark wardrobe is like a goldmine to moths. Keratin-filled dust particles make up the perfect feast for moth larvae to munch on, so it’s critical that dusting and hoovering becomes a regular part of your routine. Moths hate to be disturbed, so it’s likely they’ll give up and find somewhere else to breed (but that’s no longer your problem!) 


    Use Moth-Deterring Scents

    Moths also can’t stand the smell of strong scented products, in particular the scent of Patchouli, Cedarwood, MayChang, Palmarosa and Amyris - all essential oils that can be found in Purdy & Figg’s newest Counter Clean; Patchouli & Cedarwood (coming soon!).

    Regular cleaning with this moth-busting Counter Clean inside wardrobes, cupboards and drawers will make sure those pesky moths are reluctant to stick around!

    TIP: moth-proof your carpets by making a DIY carpet freshener. Simply add a few drops of Patchouli & Cedarwood blend (coming soon) to a cup of bicarbonate, sprinkle over your carpet and hoover. Not only will your room smell incredible, but it will be the last place a moth will want to be! 


    Separate Your Clothes

    Suspect you may already have a moth infestation on your hands? Don’t despair, it’s not too late to save your favourite knitwear! Unlike moths, the moth larvae cannot travel long distances, so it’s important to separate your clothes to prevent them migrating onto multiple clothing items. The best way to do this is by separating your clothes into individual, tightly sealed plastic bags. 

    TIP: pop some Patchouli & Cedarwood concentrate-soaked cotton balls inside the bags to further deter them.


    Freeze Them Out

    If you suspect moth larvae have already hatched, your best option is to freeze them out. Individually seal your clothes in plastic bags and pop them in the freezer for up to two weeks. This will kill the larvae on your clothes before too much damage occurs!

    TIP: Before you reach for toxic moth-killing agents, consider making your own natural solution from white vinegar. The acidity of the vinegar kills moth eggs and larvae that are already there!


    Be Consistent  

    Ensure you’re dusting, hoovering and wiping down with Patchouli & Cedarwood Counter Clean (coming soon) regularly. Whilst the residual scent is an effective moth deterrent, like most things the scent will eventually fade. We recommend spraying at least 1-2 times a week if you’re especially anxious about moths invading your drawers. Keeping on top of these things may be tedious at first, but it will save you a lot more time, money (and heartbreak!) in the long run! 

    Join the waitlist below to be the first to get your hands on our NEW Patchouli & Cedarwood Counter Clean and get ahead on pesky moths this spring!


    The Life Cycle of a Moth 


    Moth FAQs

    What are Clothes Moths? 

    • Clothes Moths are household pests that can destroy fabric and other materials. Their larvae like to feast on animal fibers, such as wool, fur, silk, feathers, felt, and leather. These materials contain yummy keratin, a fibrous protein moth larvae just can’t get enough of!

    Where do Clothes Moths appear?

    • Clothes Moths love to lay their eggs in dark, warm places that tend to go undisturbed. Older houses are particularly vulnerable, but any home can be hit with an unexpected infestation!

    How do I identify an infestation?

    • Seeing moths around your home may indicate you have a potential infestation on your hands, so always be on the look out.
    • Contrary to belief, it’s not the moths themselves munching away at your favourite garments, but the moth larvae! Moth Larvae can live up to 3 months so it’s crucial to act fast if you start noticing holes in your clothes! 

