How to Reduce Plastic Use


Some of our best tips to reduce plastic use

Are you looking to live an eco-friendly and more sustainable lifestyle? One of the quickest ways to get on the right path to a greener way of living is to remove plastic from your lifestyle. Plastic, while it has its uses, is a material that is known to cause a lot of harm. If it is utilised in the right way and reused and recycled, it can be quite an asset. Sadly, millions of pieces of plastic are disposed of incorrectly and harm our environment. So, to avoid a detrimental effect on the planet, people have been opting to remove plastic from their lives altogether. If you’re looking to do the same, here are a few ways to get started.

Reducing plastic in your home

There are many items that have been created using plastic for no other reason than reducing the cost of the product per unit - for the manufacturer and the customer. This doesn’t mean you always get the most cost-effective result, you may end up buying the item more often for a lesser price but in total, it’s more expensive.

These types of items typically include things like razors, washing up sponges, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner bottles. You’ll notice that most of these items are in your bathroom and kitchen. If you’re looking to make some eco-friendly swaps, these are certainly the best places to start.

Most cosmetics come in plastic packaging too. While many makeup brands still opt for plastic packaging, a lot of the beauty industry is making positive movements towards refill options. Brands like Purdy & Figg offer refill options for their hand balms, meaning you can take care of your hands and the environment at the same time.

The next chance you get, go round your home and take a look at plastic items that you regularly purchase. Room by room. Write them down and then search online to see if you can find a plastic-free alternative. You’ll be amazed how many plastic-free items there are out there!

Reducing plastic on the go

It’s easy enough to think about your purchases from the comfort of home, but often when trying to live a plastic-free lifestyle a popular way to be caught out is when you’re on the go. You can browse slowly online to find the perfect plastic-free razor subscription, but when you’re out and about and you need a drink, finding a non-plastic refreshment can be a challenge.

A quick way to completely remove the plastic when you’re on the go is to be prepared. Before you leave the house ensure you have your reusable water bottle, some reusable cutlery, and some hand sanitiser. That’ll prepare you for anything you might encounter when out and about - especially if you commute every day.

By preparing yourself and popping your reusable items in your bag you will avoid the last-minute plastic purchase. Which is ultimately the single, most effective way to reduce your plastic use when out of the home.

When you’re next out and about, possibly heading to work or a regular hobby, ask yourself where you might encounter plastic. It could be grabbing lunch with friends, grabbing a last-minute face mask or hand sanitiser, or even a drink to quench your thirst. Once you’re aware of your plastic triggers, you can be better equipped to overcome them. It’s all about planning ahead!

Use these tips in your everyday life, at home, and out and about, and you’ll quickly see how the majority of the plastic in your life disappears. Then, once you’ve created your new sustainable habits, be sure to share your tips with family and friends so they can live an eco-friendly life too.